Bid Number: 20102
Bid Title: West Court Street Overlay
Category: Public Works - Current Bids
Status: Closed

This contract Provides for the improvement of West Court Street (between west of US-395 and Road 40) with installation of approximately 1577 ton of HMA (Overlay), 2270 square yards of planning existing asphalt, installing / overlaying West Court Street with HMA pavement marking and other work, all in accordance with the attached contract plans, these contract provisions, and the standard specifications.
Publication Date/Time:
10/9/2020 8:00 AM
Publication Information:
Tri-City Herald
Closing Date/Time:
10/28/2020 11:00 AM
Submittal Information:
Secure Electronic Bidding Platform - QuestCDN VirtuBid™
Bid Opening Information:
QuestCDN VirtuBid™
Addendum Date/Time:
Pre-bid Meeting:
None - Site open to Public
Contact Person:
Mike White, P.E. - Senior Engineer -- 509-545-3444 --

Dustin Wittman, CPSM - Project Support Specialist -- 509-545-3447 -

Download Available:
QuestCDN (ebid doc#: 7307889)
$15.00 (Plans) -- $30.00 (Bid)
Plan & Spec Available:
Available online at QuestCDN (ebid doc#: 7307889)
Business Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00a-5:00p
Fax Number:
Plan Holders List:
QuestCDN is the official Plan Holder's List for this project.
Bid Opening:
City of Pasco Bid Opening - West Court Street Overlay
Wed, Oct 28, 2020 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT)
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