Show All Answers

1. Who handles complaints for animals on the loose?
2. What does the Code Division do?
3. Why do I need to maintain my property?
4. What should I do if I get a notice and don’t understand what I need to do or can’t comply in the time given?
5. Do I need a license to rent my house?
6. Does Pasco allow AirBnB's?
7. How long can a recreational vehicle (like a boat, trailer, motor home, etc.) be parked on the street? Who enforces this?
8. Who handles complaints about barking dogs?
9. Who is responsible for tumbleweed removal?
10. What do I do if I see illegal dumping?
11. Who do I contact if I’m having problems with my landlord/tenant? Can the city help?
12. Who do I contact for other issues?