Does the PPD ban shooting at moving vehicles?

Pasco Police Officers are not authorized to discharge a firearm either at or from a moving vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary to protect against the imminent threat of life of the officer or others.

Pasco Police Use of Force Procedure

Authorized Force Tools, Description, Requirements, Uses and Considerations

Use of Force with a firearm

Disapproved Use: 

Handgun/ Rifle 

2.         Officers are not authorized to discharge their firearm:

c.         Either at or from a moving vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary to do so to protect against imminent threat to the life of the officer or others.

1) a person in the vehicle is threatening the officer or another person with deadly force by means other than the vehicle

2) the vehicle is operated in a manner deliberately intended to strike an officer or another person, and all other reasonable means of defense have been considered (or are not present or practical), which includes moving out of the path of the vehicle.

Show All Answers

1. Is de-escalation required by PPD officers?
2. Do PPD Officers use body worn cameras?
3. Are PPD Officers required to provide warnings before using deadly force?
4. Do PPD Officers have a duty to intervene?
5. Does the PPD ban shooting at moving vehicles?
6. Is it required for PPD Officers to use a Use of Force continuum?
7. Does the PPD require comprehensive reporting of use of force?
8. Does the PPD ban chokeholds and strangleholds?
9. Are PPD Officers required to give medical aid?
10. Does PPD Investigate their own officer-involved shootings?