I have a warrant. What are my options?

You have the following five options when you have a warrant for your arrest: 

  1. Pay the warrant amount by either cash or bond. If you pay the warrant amount, then your warrant will be quashed and case will be rescheduled for another court hearing. You may post the warrant amount at the Municipal Court Clerk’s Office or Franklin County Jail. 
  2. Turn yourself into the jail. If you turn yourself into the jail, then the jail will bring you to court the next judicial day. Judicial days are Monday thru Friday except for holidays. If you turn yourself into the jail on Friday night, you will not be brought to court until Monday. Therefore, if you choose this option, it would be better to turn yourself in Monday thru Thursday.
  3. Contact the Court Clerk by the Friday of the week in which the warrant was issued, If you contact the Municipal Court Clerk by Friday of the week in which the warrant was issued, then the Clerk, with some exceptions or limitations, is authorized by the Judge to quash the warrant and reschedule your court hearing. See Standing Order Authorizing the Court Clerk to recall a bench warrant (hyper link)
  4. You can contact your attorney to discuss whether there are grounds to file a Motion & Order to Quash your warrant and reschedule court hearing. The following are some of the factors the court considers:
  • Reason you missed court (emergency related reasons are better than personal, family or work related reasons)
  • Length of time between when you missed your court date and when you contacted the court to try to take care of the warrant (the shorter time between when you missed your court and contacting the court is better)
  • Your past criminal and failures to appear (FTA) record (the fewer criminal convictions and fewer FTA’s the better)

       5. You can do nothing and wait until you are arrested by law enforcement.

Show All Answers

1. Who Can Get a Public Defender?
2. How do I apply for Public Defense?
3. How do I contact my Public Defender?
4. I have a warrant. What are my options?
5. I don’t like my public defender. What can I do?
6. How do I file a complaint against my Court Appointed Attorney?
7. What are my rights when charged with a crime?