City Comprehensive and Improvement Plans


The City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identifies various capital projects expected to be undertaken each year and the method of financing for each and is essential for effective financial and capital planning for the City. Execution of CIP projects, particularly in the outward years, are reliant on anticipated grants, bonds, which will in part require rate adjustments, or other factors as discussed in the Plan. 


The Comprehensive Water System Plan (PDF) update provides for the Water Utility through the year 2036. Long term planning should be reviewed and periodically updated to incorporate changes in population, land use regulations, and other data. Preparation of this Plan is a mandatory requirement of the Washington State Department of Health.

Aquifer Storage and Recovery

The City of Pasco, Washington is evaluating the feasibility of developing an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) program, that would allow storing surplus water available from their existing supply sources in aquifers beneath the City for use during periods of peak-season demand. ASR is a water management tool that municipalities throughout Washington and Oregon use to help manage and optimize their water supply resources.

Task documents that contain initial findings from a targeted reconnaissance-level investigation of the feasibility of Pasco developing a future ASR program are linked below: 


The Comprehensive Sewer System Plan (PDF) provides for the Sewer Utility through the year 2033. Long term planning should be reviewed and periodically updated to incorporate changes in population, land use regulations, and other data. Preparation of this Plan is a mandatory requirement of the Washington State Department of Ecology.

The City prepared a 2020 Comprehensive Sewer Plan (CSP) Addendum. See links below. This Addendum updates the Land Use and Population projections to coincide with the City’s Comprehensive Plan update.  The Addendum includes updated Flow and Load Analyses, Collection System Analyses and Capital Improvement Plan. The City received the approval notice from Ecology in January of 2022 for the Addendum. 

2021 Addendum to CSP: Chapters Only

Addendum to CSP: Appendices Only

In addition to the Sewer Comprehensive Plan, the City also has a Department of Ecology approved Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan.  


The Irrigation Master Plan provides a basis for identifying, analyzing, and planning capital improvements to the irrigation system.  The study includes a hydraulic analysis of the existing system which compares the existing system's performance to analysis criteria in order to identify deficiencies and develop system improvements.

Process Water Reuse Facility

The Process Water Reuse Facility (PWRF) Plan is an assemblage of technical memorandums and engineering reports focused on the needs for the City's agricultural waste collection and treatment utility, and includes land treatment, pre-treatment design basis, conveyance design basis, and financial assessment. Preparation of this Plan is a mandatory requirement of the Washington State Department of Ecology.  

Butterfield Water Treatment Plant

The Butterfield Water Treatment Plant Plan evaluates the Butterfield Water Treatment Plant (WTP).  This plan includes the identification of target treatment processes and capacity deficiencies and compares new and existing treatment technologies for addressing water quality concerns.  This document also provides a recommended sequence for the phased replacement of the Butterfield WTP.  The plan evaluates a 20-year planning horizon from 2023 to 2042.  

The Butterfield Water Treatment Plant Facilities Plan Update incorporates recommendations from the Resiliency Plan: Cyanotoxins Technical Memorandum and the Butterfield Water Treatment Plant Intake Aquatic Plant Life Technical Memorandum.”