Ambulance Charges

Billing Information

Emergency ambulance service is provided by the Pasco Fire Department. There is a charge for emergency transport services and mileage from the pick-up location to the nearest hospital. If a patient chooses not to be transported but medical services are provided, there is a charge for those medical services.

How Mileage is Calculated

Mileage is charged from the pick-up location to the closest appropriate hospital. The fees for these services can be found in Chapter 3.35 of the Pasco Municipal Code.

City staff will bill the medical insurance company if given that information. If there is an amount due after insurance reimbursement, the patient will be billed the difference.

Ambulance Service Utility Charge

Beginning in January 2007, a monthly ambulance service utility charge was added to the monthly utility statement for each utility location inside city limits. This fee is charged to each utility location in the city and helps pay for the availability of that service.

Contact Us

For billing questions or additional information, please contact the accounts receivable clerk at (509) 544-3066.